implementation plan (roughly in order of importance to make the game playable): - wolves sometimes don't do damage when attacking? - pain & attack sounds - add icons for most items - show current item & quick bar on hud - make mousewheel select between weapons in inventory - implement npcs getting hostile if you pick up anything in the world within N range, or M sightrange the more worth the item, the longer they will be hostile. if they knock you out, they'll take the item back. - move more stuff from c++ to script - hud weapons? - make some game messages into centerprints? - implement attackspeed/movespeed/jumpheight and other stats - enemies can sometimes just run in circles around you - game loading/saving - work on animations (attack etc) - make generic box that can take icons to replace generic bag - add many more standard items, maybe some temp more monsters from the fps - show body when dead - tweak all stats - improved grid layout inventory screens - horse riding (maybe at first as teleport, later as fast transport) - FIXME's in code - utilize all hud items (radar etc) - do world pickups differently (not with gui window), show worth stat while hovering over maybe generally do system with different crosshairs depending on what you point at (take, attack) - need a confirmation of wether you want to take on a quest or not? - r_take should take a list of items art list: - hud with health mana stat bars * health and mana * current weapon icon * 12 slots for quick use items * small radar * info line for mouse over? - icons: * buy * sell - hud weapons: fist / sword (maybe axe and others) / bow or crossbow / shotgun? / spell casting hands